One Halloween night, young piglet Cliffy Belmart is caught tee-peeing an ancient castle ruled by darkness, and swept inside by horrendous creatures. Instantly aware of the peril, his father Robert Belmart equips himself with a fully loaded gun and rushes into 6 different worlds with tough monsters and bosses. Is Robert a bad enough dude to rescue his son? In Barnyard Blast, you control Robert Belmart, the Swine of the nIght. Through 6 levels, you kill zombies, exterminate monsters, slash ghouls, and more!
Hilarious characters and scenes combined with intense, state-of-the-art fighting action and graphics
Six long and unique levels: A Night Walk in the Graveyard, The Ancient Castle Ruled by Darkness, The Volcano BBQ, The Old Creepy Wooden Jail, The Forest in the Way, and The Castle of Intolerable Pain
Challenging enemies and bosses including Pumpkin Zombies, Assassin Rats, Evil Trees, and Sinister Monkeys
A collection of weapons: Whip, Shotgun, Gun, dynamite¿and much more, along with other items and upgrades
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