The story follows Io, a young boy troubled by his profane and arguably perverted thoughts, which affects his ability to comfortably interact with the opposite sex.
His relationship with hisconfidant and only real friend, a beautiful monster girl named Lilia, creates some tension when the world starts experiencing natural disasters and hostility from the other monster girls! With rumors of a “Legendary Monster Girl”bent on world destruction starts to circulate, mankind isforced to take a stand. Io must nowinvestigate the origins of the occuring phenomena, taking his childhood monster girl friend along with him on a sexy adventure intothe world of monsters.
Featuring a classic 3D dungeon crawling JPRG experience with a lot of fanservice, players will be able to delve deeply into dungeons with a party of gorgeous anime styled monster girls and engage in exciting tactical battle with a focus like no other game; players can target and exploit the weak spots of enemy monster girls,with an outfit degradation mechanic accompanied with an appropriate animation.
As well, since Moero Chronicle is the follow up to Monster Monpiece, the notorious “verticalrubbing” mechanic returns, improved with more over the top sounds, animations, and poses – used for capturing the hearts of the many monster girls that players will encounter.
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