Monopoly Streets – Playstation 3
To celebrate its 75th anniversary, the world of Monopoly comes to life through a living, breathing city that you can build, own, and monopolize. Monopoly Streets has everything you love about the board game, presented as a street level tour of Mr. Monopoly’s fully animated world. Engage in a head-to-head race to build the greatest city and accumulate the most wealth. Play against your friends live and online or be matched up against players with similar skills from around the world!
Add houses to your properties and watch as high-rent districts sprout mansions and lavish hotels
Occupy your own property headquarters; watch it rise to luxurious splendor or fall into a dilapidated ruin in tune with your fortunes
Add competition to the game by auctioning properties with your friends – snatch a great deal or try to break your rival’s bank
Establish and save house rules to play longer or shorter based on your own schedule
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