Namco Museum – PlayStation 2
Namco brings an unprecedented number of classic arcade hits home in one package. Games included on Namco Museum for PlayStation 2 are Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Galaga, Galaxian, Dig Dug and Pole Position. Galaxian and Galaga are the awesome shooters that built off the popular Space Invaders concept. Ms. Pac-Man is the maze-and-ghost sequel to one of the most famous arcade games ever created. Dig Dug is a tunneling game against Fygar and Pooka and Pole Position is an early arcade racing game. All are designed to play like the original arcade games, complete with Attract modes that roll while you aren’t playing and options taken from the arcade games’ original dip-switch settings.
Go back to the games that started it all, with Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man
Space action awaits you in Galaga and Galaxian
The original racing and puzzle hits, Dig Dug and Pole Position, are here too
Plus there’s all-new Arrangement Modes to alter the games for your tastes, and a whole bunch of games you can unlock!
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