Rock Band: Special Edition Drum Set
Time to release your inner rock star! Dive into Rock Band’s challenging and addicting game modes and rock out to your favorite tunes. Put together a band, play in it, and tour for fame and fortune- all while learning to master lead/bass guitar, drums and vocals. Major record labels and leading music publishers have signed on to provide unrivaled access to master recordings and legendary rock artists – from punk, metal and alternative to classic and southern rock – including many master recordings from legendary artists, including acts like Metallica, Bon Jovi, Stone Temple Pilots and the Ramones! Learn to play songs spanning all genres of rock and with access to new downloadable content, it’s a new concert experience every time! Play together in your living room or across the world – Rock Band offers deep online functionality, allowing players to rock together whether they’re in Rhode Island or Reykjavik. This Special Edition box includes game, guitar, microphone and drum set — everything you need to get in the game and rock out! Call out the crowd! Vocalists can bring the crowd to their feet during Rock Band’s freestyle vocal fill windows. Ad-lib your own words or shout to the crowd to raise the rock intensity of the performance. Band mates can fail out of a song for poor performance, but the band still plays on. Rescue your failing mate by busting out signature moves and blistering solos to wow the crowd with showmanship. Boost your bonus! Earn bonus points for your band during Rock Band’s Unison Phrase opportunities if everyone plays perfectly. ESRB Rated T for Teen.
Music spans all genres of rock and includes many master recordings from legendary artists
Form your own band, create and customize your own rocker, and travel on a fast rise to fame around the world
Choose single-player Career mode leading a band or multiplayer as part of the band or against each other–in person or online
Supports downloadable content for never-ending challenges
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