Author: Bunneh3000

Poet, author, parent, and freelance music and video game critic, B.J. Brown is a talented blerd writer hoping to become a Mechwarrior when he grows up. Founder of the Heed Magazine Geekswagg Podcast and BlackNerdsPlay. He is also the host of the Shaded Pixels Podcast and a regular contributor to ConFreaksAndGeeks,, and more, BJ hopes to make his “Bunneh3000” gamertag the gateway drug to geekdom! He’s currently sending resumes to Battlestar Galactica citing his love of engineering and Battletech as his strongpoints!
Buddah Tek
Scoring that sweet next gen console is every gamers' New Year's goal. In order to truly maximize that shiny new tower of 4K pixelization, there are just a few accessories...
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Gaming chairs are essential to any core gamer’s wishlist. As the pandemic has shown, the need for premium gamer cave posterior holders is more important than ever. As a result,...
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